
Dyck words.

Dyck words is the language over the alphabet {'(', ')'} described by the following grammar:

D ::= <empty word>
    | '(' D ')' D

It is the language of “well-parenthesised” words. In sage, Dyck words are implemented in the dyck_word module. # noqa The bijection between binary trees and Dyck words allows us to generate directly Dyck words from the binary tree generator from the usainboltz.sage_examples.binary_tree module using an ad-hoc builder:

>>> from usainboltz import *
>>> from usainboltz.generator import rng_seed
>>> rng_seed(0xDEADBEEF)  # For reproducibility
>>> import warnings; warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=UserWarning, module='cvxpy.problems.problem')
>>> # The binary tree sampler
>>> z, leave = Atom(), Epsilon()
>>> B = RuleName()
>>> grammar = Grammar(rules={B: leave + z * B * B})
>>> generator = Generator(grammar, B, singular=True)
>>> # Ad-hoc builder
>>> def empty_word_builder(_):
...     return ""
>>> def product_builder(t):
...     _, left, right = t
...     return "(" + left + ")" + right
>>> dyck_word_builder = union_builder(empty_word_builder, product_builder)
>>> generator.set_builder(B, dyck_word_builder)
>>> res = generator.sample((10, 20))
>>> word = res.obj
>>> word
>>> from sage.all import ascii_art, DyckWord
>>> ascii_art(DyckWord(word))
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