
Binary trees

Binary trees are plane trees with nodes of arity two and leaves of arity zero. In sage binary trees are implemented in the binary_tree # noqa module. We describe here how to write a grammar for binary trees in UsainBoltz and how to generated sage objects.

The grammar of binary trees where only internal nodes are counted in the size can be written as follows:

>>> from usainboltz import *
>>> from usainboltz.generator import rng_seed
>>> rng_seed(0xDEADBEEF)  # For reproducibility
>>> z, leave = Atom(), Epsilon()
>>> B = RuleName("B")
>>> grammar = Grammar({B: leave + z * B * B})
>>> grammar
  B : Union(epsilon, Product(z, B, B))

To obtain a generator for this grammar, one must write:

>>> generator = Generator(grammar, B, singular=True)

But by default, UsainBoltz generates tuples:

>>> res = generator.sample((10, 20))
>>> res.obj
         ('z', ('z', ('z', 'epsilon', 'epsilon'), 'epsilon'), 'epsilon'),
        ('z', ('z', 'epsilon', 'epsilon'), 'epsilon')),
       ('z', 'epsilon', 'epsilon')),
>>> res.sizes[z]

Sage binary trees can be obtained using the builders feature: we must tell the generator how to build B objects:

>>> from sage.all import BinaryTree
  • A leaf is None:
>>> def build_leaf(_):
...     return None
  • A node is a call to BinaryTree:
>>> def build_node(tupl):
...     z, left, right = tupl
...     return BinaryTree([left, right])
  • This two possible cases are combined using the union_builder() combinator:
>>> build_B = union_builder(build_leaf, build_node)
>>> generator.set_builder(B, build_B)

Now, the generator directly generates BinaryTree objects:

>>> tree = generator.sample((10, 20)).obj
>>> tree.parent()
Binary trees
>>> tree
[., [., [[[., .], [[., .], [., [[[[., .], .], .], .]]]], .]]]
>>> from sage.all import ascii_art
>>> ascii_art(tree)
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